How to Prepare Your Home for A Seasonal Change?
One of the most exciting things a change in season brings is the opportunity to prepare and style your home to match the season. Why is it essential to prepare the house for the upcoming season? Aside from the fact that it brings aesthetic satisfaction, it is also another way of maintaining the condition of your home and keeping it updated.
Now that a new season is just right around the corner, you’re probably wondering how to prep your house again and make it ready. Different season requires different preparation. How you prepare for the Spring is entirely different from how you should prepare for the winter. However, regardless of what season it is, standard preparation methods almost always work. Here are some of them.
1. Deep Clean
A spring clean is not only for spring. This is a great time to think about cleaning windows and getting a professional clean on the rug and sofa. Think about your fridge/freezer and oven—dust down awkward corners such as the top of cupboards and skirting boards. Spring cleaning or deep cleaning can make so much difference. It can brighten the ambiance of your home and even give it a newer and brighter gleam.
If you’re thinking of selling your home read our article here for top tips
2. Swap Out Soft Furnishing
Subtle changes such as changing cushions, throws, and curtains can instantly transform the look of your space and define what kind of season you are preparing your home for. Colours such as brown, orange, and yellow instantly indicate autumn. Vibrant colours, on the other hand, like green, violet, and orange, suggests Spring. Think of these colours when sprucing your space up with soft furnishings. The trick here is to make your interior composition visually interesting and physically comfortable.
3. Home Fragrance
Decorating using scent is a personal favourite of mine. This is where you can have fun. Every home should have its signature scent, which can change with the season. Designing your home for the season should not end with visuals and soft elements. It should also be indulging in the five senses, including smell. When integrating scent décor, think of layering scents diffusers in the bathroom while using candles in the living room.
Our personal favourite wellness fragrance brand Mayowa Samuel
4. Don’t forget to Declutter
Decluttering can make your space breathe. Many people don’t realise this, but there’s a huge possibility that they always feel like something in their home’s interior design is off because it is too crowded, cramped, and disorganised. It’s hard to declutter, especially if you are sentimental. When decluttering, set aside your emotions, focus on practicality, and make more room for something new by letting old items and accessories off the shelves.
5. Cosy Outdoor Space
If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us, it is that a connection to the outdoors is essential. It reduces stress, keeps us grounded, and allows us to be mindful and be in the present moment. Now you don’t have to have the world's most enormous garden. It can even be a small balcony or a small outdoor patio right outside your dining area. Creating a lounge area outdoors is the perfect way to unwind with friends over a small fire or invite the family for an outdoor dinner party.
Need help creating your autumnal home? Book a free design consultation with us today: